# Meeting log: 15TH SEPTEMBER 2021 * PARTICIPANTS: Vasna, Justin, Ashish, Kalle, Andrea, Madhuresh, Frederic ## 1. Check-in ## 2. Website Development website: https://adelante.globaltapestryofalternatives.org/ We are in the process of developing the website at the domain: adelante.global There is a link and comments are requested by Monday to Andrea we are finishing installing and purchasing the domain which will be Adelante dot Global and will cost $64 per year. We have to finish two things, I would say by next Monday/Tuesday at the latest: 1. Choose the Adelante logo (https://adelante.globaltapestryofalternatives.org/doku.php?id=visuals) 2. Agree on the content of the "about us" section where we agree on the definition of our movement. Preferences on the second one logo. Look at the relative sizes of the continents and update to make Africa bigger and move it around. Use the Peters project as another option - check in with Franco to change it. Ashish has a map to use as an example. Need to include the byline for the name and include it in the logo: * Maybe put Global Dialogue Process. Adelante. * Proposals: Adelante: Dialogue of global processes * (and the other proposal from EVA/Pierre). * Adelante: many worlds finding common ground **Action: Send out a poll on the byline** ## 3. Update on COP26 and working group for post-COP workshop Key questions: * Do we want to engage? * Who will volunteer to lead initiatives? Vasna update: Justin and I were putting things together about the COP26: Independet projects (gassroots to local, Global Green New Deal etc, they all have different activities, but the idea is that we can all join); People Summit (7-10 November), we have three proposals, focus a lot in giving voices to people affected by Climate Change. WE have a proposal that have already been acepted, we need to organise if we will have a panel, discussion, or we bring more voices from grassroots, etc. In any case, we will plan that for the 3 of November. The third activity is about the direction of the COP26. WE're planing as well of having an statement. Final action: To host a workshop post-COP26 and reflect on outcomes and how do we mobilse collective for transformation (What's come, how we can mobilize for climate justice around COP26 coallition) -- we'll plan that for the end of november. All people can give inputs of course. Justin: I suggest we back the demand for cancellation: not so that it is cancelled but to try and help shame the UK Govt into enabling not blocking participation About the "postponement of COP26": it was because of the Covid, but in any case it won't be a cancelation. Action: Send an email to all the processes asking if they are happy to support a call for postponement. If yes, Vasna to contact SEB about supporting the COP 26 Coalition call or CAN ## 4. Working groups status Upcoming event updates and request volunteers for working groups on Pan Amazonic Forum, WSF and African Forum on water. Andrea give an update and then we ask for volunteers ### People's Forum on BRICS (Maduresh) https://peoplesbrics.wordpress.com/ We're collecting ideas for the sessions, the idea is to put all them together by the organization Comittee. Put together some proposals. Madhuresh is already involved on that. Vasna: Adelante can have a Session on that or it won't make sense? Can we bring something else to the conversation than what is already planned? Madhuresh: Putting things together. Idea that we shouldn't have bounderies on the maps. Frederic: I think we can bring the prespective from social movements (Rusia, China, South-Africa ...) Madhuresh: Think it will add value to have something on alternatives. Also important to consider what we mean by global and how we connect from the local through national to the global. Frederic: Could do something in popular resistance and democracy. Maduresh: We can talk about this on the plenary session. Bring different ideas of alternatives. From the point of view of the experiences of how our process is organized.. we can bring these reflection. Vasna: We can use Madhuresh idea and then see if someone can take the lead to submit the activity as adelante. Maduresh will also check with the organising group if they can create an event and then we provide contacts for who to invite. ### WG Pan Amazonic Forum (write names): ...? ### WSF Mexico (Anyone from Towards New World Social Forum): Ashish can be the link on that, but there are more people in Adelante we can contact such as Hamouda, Rosy, Marku and Leo. We don't have a lot of updates on what is happening just yet. Ashish: Important that we follow the process and register our interest in having several sessions as we did this year. Action: ANdrea needs to register Adelante for WSF participation African Forum on water: Also follow the Convention on Biodiversity COP - Justin is involved in this can could potentially be our link? **Action: Andrea will create the shared file on all the upcoming events so we can track and keep updated** ## 5. Dialogue round Vasna to summarise As Adelante we want to take actions, contribution to all these spaces, but we also want to have internal time for dialogue and to reflect about our movements and share our experiences internally. Would like to plan for Dialogue spaces in October, Novemeber and December. We can do a first round about: does this proposal make sense? Do a round of comments especially on which questions are most relevant Decide on who will lead dialogues for the next three sessions Justin: In G2G do decolonising rounds so we can approach the themes in different ways. Doesn't have to be a go round Antirracist struggle. Frederic: Identity - woke-ism, youth, Explore any issues and the ways we are being used to perpetuate something or confront something. What turns positive social moves into colonised processes? Ashish:Degrowth and alternatives in the Global South. Taking into account the neocolonial impossition. Including pluriversity of alternatives. Vasna: In the first version of the doc we only had Degrowt and it's important we focus as well on other things. Justin: what turns positive social moves into colonised processes? what enables our movements to be liberatory, what turns them into tools of colinial processes?How we can continue open spaces for real solutions?what enables our movements to be liberatory, what turns them against ourselves? Ashish: Distiction between real and false solutions. Vasna: I would like the radical alternatives to be for November to feed into our post-COP reflection workshop. Of course, it would be a continous discussion, maybe we can start with the question justin proposed and we can continue no October. Action: Justin will lead an initiative in October on what enables our movements to be liberatory, what turns them against ourselves? Ashish will lead a discussion of what we really understand and foster as radical alternatives in November. ## 6. Final round of thoughts Action: As soon as we finalise the logo, we need to send through the logo and the text on about us and looking for common grounda to each of the processes to put onto their own websites. ## 7. Next Meeting: 07 October at 14:00 UTC