# PARTICIPANTS: Leonard, Tord, Ashish, Vasna, Andrea, # Objectives and definition of Adelante -Strategic Plan for 2022 How do we link the events? which is the constant message? Should we enlarge our network to other members? what about youth participation? Move Forward and create a shared/collective position. Check Updated version of the report Ashish: Create new methodologies on solidarity. Create connections with other movements. Transformative narrative from Feminisms, Global Justice equality, etc. Events: WSF 2022; think of collective action, street action, not only online. Political decision making: we're not necessarily on the same page, some people is more from the grassroots... however we have a commons understanding on how we see problems on society but above all, on how we see trasnformation. Leonard: What's happening in Latin America currently is very interesting - Chile and Honduras with progressive left wing governments might lead to some thoughts about how we interface with progressive governments. The youth involvement in the Chilean government is pretty amazing. Lots coming up that is exciting.How do we support that more as a network. Focus on social movements should be the priority. Andrea: The document is on a theoretical level and in agreement with the values and objectives. Not sure we should define a singular definition of feminism or justice for example. Need to focus on our actions and the idea of transformation. How do we move towards transformation and think about the actions that we have -beyond participation in panels and such. Youth involvement is an innovation for our process that we should pursue. Tord: Different conceptual background but covering exactly the same.Prefiguration is the same a "leva som du lär" in Sweden - live as you preach. Need to write simply and shorter and not get too caught in the academic jargon. The distinction between social movements and the political is a product of the English language which does not exist in other languages. We need to see that the political work can happen in/with governments and outside it. Global democracy is already there in groups such as La Via Campesina and there is too little attention to this. Offers a combination of resistance and alternatives. Need to connect abstract global visions with the local. Adelante can help with this process. Vasna: what do we want to achieve? I think we all share the vision of transformative change. What do we need to do as Adelante ? Identify our areas of action or articulate a vision - which comes first? Ashish: Connect place-based struggles of resistance ; use academic language with colonial languages is a problem we need to simplify.Ask ourselves if we're holistic? are we having into account different realities? We demand democracy, inclusiveness.. how can we create this together in out movements? Tord: How movements are connected with states is an important issue? Could hold an event at Stockholm +50, bringing in Progressive International to contribute to the session. This will also bring PI more actively back to Adelante. More work on visions of the future. Example of the Sunrise Assembly from G2G. Some kind of special application for youth engagement. we do no reflect the vision of La Via Campesina It's important to be realistic and avoid romanticism on local actions. Leo: Adelante Papers as an action and other events we can add on the report for funders. Need tangible actions that funders will connect to. Ashish: Ask people to look through the docs and if they have any comments. Ask each global process to make sure at least one person to attend. Special mail to PI. Andrea to update the events list including suggestions from Tord.