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Meeting log: 26th January

Present: Ashish, Pierre, Francine, Varsha, Madhuresh, Mabrouka, Eva, Paulo, Marta Moderation: Ashish Note: Mabrouka


Organization of the WSF joint assembly on Jan 30th 2021.

  1. The overall structure of the 2.5 hours in both sessions
  2. Moderation responsibilities
  3. Translations
  4. Notes + report
  5. Technology help

1. The overall structure of the 2.5 hours in both sessions

Ashish: We will have 2 sessions for this joined assembly Session 1 at 6.00 am (UTC), more information and registration: 
 Session 2 at 2.00 pm (UTC), more information and registration:

The 2 main topics we talked about were: 1- reflection from each of the seven networks and anyone joining 2- specific collaborative actions for the next year leading out to the WSF 2022 and other events

Mab: no long speech, it would be great to have a dynamic conversation

Francine: what exactly we want to achieve, objectives? where are we heading to? it is not clear, we need a better idea of what we are trying to achieve.

Pierre: no roundtable no long presentation. hope to have 2 or 3 presentations, raising the obstacle, being frank. if we are able to push an analysis that would be great. Panel 2/3 people at the most diverse with a short presentation and rigorous presentation, then we do a roundtable.

Eva: an opportunity for people already involved in global processes to unpack and explore how those might align or differ from one another.

Ashish: Going back to Francine’s question on objectives. there were 2 broad ideas that came up: 1- collective call for solidarity and collaboration across the world to challenge the macro forces we are against with a clear understanding of commonalities and differences; and open the call to others, i.e. expanding. 2- what we want to do together

Marta: concerning opening up without having discussion on agreement on how it can look like is difficult. Also we should avoid theoretical talks

Eva: would be better to have a facilitator team as Mabrouka suggested, to tease out what it means in terms of action being effective.

Pierre: concern because it is in 4 days unless someone takes it and shape it

Ahishs: is willing to put the energy

Mabrouka: It is enough to raise consciousness, being together, we don’t have to do much, just being at this event is enough.

Eva: I agree but how would that look like, that sense of togetherness

Mab: each process could describe another one and discuss opportunities of synergy, in the end, we would all be connected. It would be a fun exercise. we could all describe one other process

Ashish: It is a great idea but the worry is a lack of time for coordinating something like this. How about the theory of change that was mentioned? how does each of the processes think of doing it? how can we work together? 1h or 1h30 then we open to others to talk about what they’ve heard. For example: in GTA we believe that gov should be accountable but real transformation is the grassroots ground-level power and democracy

Francine: agree. if we go to the other assembly then we would discuss concrete action points for the future, of we, want to reflect on what we can do, I think that next year we have to reflect on differences. Maybe it is a difficult exercise, but it will be a helpful exercise. What it is basically about is international cooperation from the grassroots change, but it has to translate into cooperation at other levels. If we have time next time to carefully reflecting on where cooperation between us could be useful. The other 2 global assemblies are organized by peace & ecological movements.

Ashish: so we all agree on these two topics, posed and answered in a conversation mode: 1- what does each network think are the main direction transformations can take place? what is the network doing for that? 2- what can we do together in the next year or so.

2. Moderation responsibilities

Eva and Ashish to help with facilitating. Vasna (Ashish will ask), Varsha and (Gustave Messiah - Pierre will ask)

3. Translations

Coordination on translation Ashish & Mabrouka, since Ana C is sick.

4. Notes + report

Pierre would do it in English for the two sessions if we provide the recordings. Ashish to take note in the first session, Varsha in the second session. Madhuresh can help with taking notes in the second session

5. Technology help

Paulo based in Montreal can help with technology make sure the rooms are working on the 2pm session for the translator. We would need to connect 30 mins before it begins.

Ashish: if people want to show ppt or video, the best way is to show them and send them to paolo for tech back up. Send material to