The BRICS are falling: The Rise and Fall of Authoritarian Populist States
Date: October 21st at 18:45 IST/ 15:15 h CET
Abstract: The BRICS have fallen one by one. They have all capitulated to capitalism and given up on the promises of social democracy. The People’s Republic China has always been a dictatorship. The others have known their democratic phases, but more recently they have elected strongmen by majoritarian vote who put the rule of law under serious strain. Brasil and India are extreme examples, but there others on all continents that have gone down they same slippery slopes of populism, authoritarianism, and full blown fascism. This seminar wants to discuss particular cases, exchange experiences and strenghten democratic resistance from the bottom up.
Duration of the Activity: 1“30
Format: ONLINE
Participation/ Inscription: FINISHED