14 December 2021
Justin, Ashish, Shrishtee, Leonard, Vasna
We first had a round of check-ins and then general reflections on the COP26 process and outcomes as we perceived them.
Reflection on COP26
Some key points that came out: The formal COP26 negotiations did not yield anything hopeful as we all suspected/feared Some new financing instruments have come up such as forest conservation and financing for coal phase-down but these are already established in ways that will be co-opted by carbon markets. For us they do not represent opportunities for transformation but rather new arenas for battle.
Outside the formal COP26, there was much more real connection between people and groups and an energy to the mobilisation that was heartening. One consideration is that in both venues, there was an anthropocentric focus and little on non-human nature. Another concern is the division that still exists between those fighting for the future and those recognising and struggling with climate change today. How do we bring these two voices of resistance together more? Although the conversation in the formal arena may have seemed progressive in an acknowledgment of fossil fuels, we also need to recognise that many people are not able to see through the greenwash. As Adelante, we have a job to do in clarifying the problems with the system. The hunger for systemic radical alternatives and humanizing connection is very strong. People need this in line with the struggle as the struggle becomes very exhausting.
actions Discussion of a post-COP26 reflection piece: There was initially an idea to write a post-COP26 reflection piece that would be signed by all the groups in Adelante. We would only consider proceeding with this if it is an enlivening process for us and raises the difficult questions we are grappling with. For example, Shrishtee’s point about being clear on the suffering happening now and how to mobilise those who are not yet suffering.
Another difficult question: In carrying out a collective visioning for Adelante, there are a lot of things in common but also a lot that we look at differently. Perhaps this vision exercise might be the useful article to write on . Agreement on some such as critique of authoritarian regimes but what kind of democratic system we want, could be where we differ. What’s our vision of political governance? What is our vision of the economy – what kind of economy are we for? Public sector, workers co-operative, etc.
These agreements and disagreements are a fantastic idea to thing about and we will return to them in the visioning exercise that Ashish and Vasna will organise for January.
Participation in events:
Adelante participation in global and regional events was discussed. It was agreed that such events are crucial to our work. It was noted that participation in regional events benefits most when those from the regions take the lead - for example with the BRICS People's Summit. Ideally we should have at least two global processes involved in collaborating to create an Adelante event.