Leonard, Tord, Vasna, Eva, Madhuresh, Ashish, Andrea, Frederic. Shristee, Marko.
-Check-in -WSF -Forum Dakar on Water -Next Meeting Strategic Plan -Next GM
World Social Forum
There is some movement from the Mexico organising committee and an invitation has been gone out for global movements to join. Tord has been following the process and there is more development than last year.From the European Social Forum there is agreement to have four sessions: Session 1: Disarmament and was out of the New Cold War Session 2: Stop repression in the West and the East Session 3: Environmental Peacebuilding Session 4: Migration issues in a critical socio-ecological context context
More info on the WSF can be found at:
Andrea: Can we have a group from within Adelante to work towards the WSF participation? *Marko, GTA rep (Vasna, Shrishtee or Ashish), Eva, Andrea, Pierre/Leo B.
Leo: Alternative is building a North American coalition and want to organise an event around the current political economy of North America.
Vasna: It would be nice if we create our small working group for the WSF, because for now the comm channels are only Telegram groups or padlets.
Ashish: As mentioned in the last meeting, need to thread our participation in different events together so we have some coherence around our impact.
Dhakar Forum on Water/ FAME2022 (Alternative World Water Forum, Dakar2022).
Link: This is a more regional and French event so the question is if Adelante should be participating in this. Leo: Concerns about language barriers and about the organisation of the event.
Marko shared a report from the International Water Forum held in Hasakah, Rojava/NES at the end of September: –
> The report was compiled by Water for Rojava team.
Marko will send a concept note about a plan to have a zoom session on community based river revival in February with the aim to benefit efforts in Rojava/NES, resource person from India are needed. This theme could be further devloped for the Darak Water Forum (if online and English work out well)
Maduresh: Could potentially organise a session if it is organised online. Would have to do it with translation support but expect that there will be some English spaces.
Leo: If online, could also help with bringing a Quebec participation.
Tord: Water is a really important issue and anything that can be done would be good.
Vasna: Will check if it is online and the language requirements.
Stockholm +50 mobilisation
Tord: Activities in the beginning of June before the UN formal event. Idea of a People's Forum is being discussed for 31 May and 01 June and during the official conference. Will have participation in Stockholm and online.
A discussion of whether this is really an important meeting from the UN meeting.
An opportunity to contribute to the agenda and look at 50 years of experience. Not just an environment conference but an environment and development conference.
Tord: One option is a newsletter with half of the participation from the youth. Vasna and Tord have started initial discussions along with others.
Maduresh: Could organise regional events to talk about what Stockholm +50 means today and engage with youth groups. Perhaps have a curriculum and materials that people can use for sessions in different places.
Ashish: Might be good to have a series of events to give a context to what has happened with 50 years of environmental activism which then leads to the current context and what are the challenges.
Three or four sessions with and for young people around the world would be great.
Shrishtee: The youth alternatives confluence in India could be involved.
Leo: Need a pro-active strategy within Adelante to involve youth in general.
Could we put together a small group to work out Adelante's participation? Tord, Maduresh?
Next Meeting Strategic Plan
Creating a commong vision document as well as a strategic plan for the next year and perhaps longer. Have a previous document from all the global processes on their analysis of the current situation and then building on this. Some points for discussion: Inviting new movements - some to investigate further Transition Hubs, Fridays for Future, International Peace Bureau Youth branch Youth engagement in Adelante
Andrea will create a doodle for 23, 24 or 25 January.
Vasna and Ashish will specifically reach out to Progressive International regarding their participation in the strategic planning and future of Adelante.
Next General Meeting 03 February 14:00 UTC
(If people have suggestions of new movements to invite, send information on them and we can take a decision at the next meeting)